SmartTubeNext has been working fairly well for me for like 5 years or something. It’s super easy to side load on a Fire stick.
A few bad actors can undo the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. I genuinely don’t know if the problem is solvable if it requires cooperation of the entire species. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Finally talked my wife into switching from annual to monthly and I am going to cancel the fuck out of Prime as soon as the new year starts. If I have to watch your commercials, it should be free.
My wife and I are halfway through the season, now series. Should I even bother watching the back half?
Idk if it fits what you’re looking for, but Dirk Gently popped to mind when I read your post. Or maybe The Good Place.
Maybe the code? It is ZEBES
Now do the corporations.
They’re gonna turn it around. Kirk had a Nokia car phone in Star Trek (2009).
Smell is how ants communicate with one another so maybe these ant sniffers will be the first humans who can speak ant.
Best part is how we went down the exact same path 100 years ago and learned absolutely nothing from it.
Notorious Liar Says … Notorious Liar Wants … Honestly if the media would only write stories about the shit that actually happens we’d be in a better place. All that hypothetical shit is just rage bait.