I swear I saw something about these being two different types of insects. Can someone confirm?
I swear I saw something about these being two different types of insects. Can someone confirm?
I’m not big of a fan of Chinese surveillance but to most peoples point that have already posted here, if this was about privacy then the government should be passing laws to protect consumer privacy as a whole and not just targeting Chinese companies. Really shows that the government doesn’t give a shit about your privacy just who’s able to get it.
Weren’t the French pretty salty about the UK? I recall seeing some articles on punishing the UK for leaving
Taiwan is an independent and Democratic country. China should stop bullying other countries in their own territorial waters.
While I agree, the UK needs to chip a little more in too. This is everyone’s problem, not just the United States.
I’m pretty sure the context of the fed saying that is inflation was partly due to there being too many people who have jobs with disposable income. I’m pretty sure nowadays there unfortunately more people with underpaying jobs.
“Too many people have jobs” - The federal reserve
I was really looking forward to a Bloodlines 2, but with all the changes I’ve lost all hype for the game. The trailer doesn’t seem to give much confidence either.
Which distro uses a French press?
No issues!