Something, something, separation of church and state, would be my guess.
Something, something, separation of church and state, would be my guess.
Yeah, especially for new AMD hardware a rolling release distribution is must have. My personal recommendation is openSUSE but the specific pick is secondary.
Blame the publisher.
That’s an excuse to deflect all blame. I’m not talking about super advanced accessibility options that take weeks or months of work (like how Last of Us 2 is apparently completely playable for entirely blind people). I’m talking about a font size slider. Other games by the same publisher take accessibility into consideration, so it’s not the publisher. Read at how a different studio under the very same publisher works just fine for colorblind people because the artists used easily distinguishable shapes.
There are things that don’t add extra work if they are taken into account right from the beginning and that’s planning and design phase, such as scalable text, distinguishable shapes, visual cues for audible events, subtitles. It’s not like any publisher would demand to have a lower customer base and have those removed. It speaks for the mind set of the individual developers that the basics were not covered in the first place. So yes, as a paying customer, I’m fully entitled to criticize this.
i think the devs of Rollerdome want you to pirate it anyway, since the publisher screwed them over
And they screwed us paying users over. After only one month, they stopped making any bug fixes. Not even very basic accessibility options – which should have been in the game from the beginning anyway – were added.
I was so pumped for Rollerdome but despite wearing glasses I sometimes have trouble focusing on small text and Rollerdome is full of it. A few weeks after release: Game is end of life. Like WTF!
Maybe another developer who knows what a font size slider is will make remake Rollerdome.
I have to wonder why this is happening?
Same reason all the other ports are happening: Microsoft massively overstretched itself with the ABK takeover and Xbox isn’t making enough money. It’s make more money or get axed, in case you somehow completely missed 2024 entirely.
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are fine tho.
Sony: Uses unreal Engine in games like Days Gone.
Nintendo: Uses Unreal Engine in games like Yoshi’s Crafted World.
Microsoft: Uses Unreal Engine in games like Gears of War and even killed the whole Halo engine to switch over to UE.
So OF COURSE those are the good guys.
check the community you’re posting in… aaaand then fuck right off…
Check the rulebook of the community you’re posting in.
What I’d like to see is for the “real” gamepad icon to broadly match the current one in color scheme and orientation.
My attempt. It’s a simple color swap of
The license requires the SVG source to be shared but for whatever reason Lemmy lets me select the SVG file in the upload picker but doesn’t then upload anything, so here it is:
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I can’t comment too deeply on consoles.
Then don’t.
Google suggests that it supports ray tracing.
Series S has raytracing support on paper (just as Steam Deck has) but the GPU is way too underpowered to actually use raytracing for anything.
So my point stands.
No, it doesn’t.
Stop expecting your 10 year old hardware to run new games indefinitely
Nobody said that. What can be expected is for Microsoft to ship the same performance profiles they enable for one of their platforms (Series S) on their other 1st party platform (Windows).
I feel like Windows tries with every change to push it’s users to Linux.
Even their core applications move to being web based.
I especially fail to see the value to drive up obsolescence.
“Can’t afford an upgrade to a high-end PC? Buy one of our Xboxes.” --Microsoft
Shit moves on. Did you expect your 1060 card from 2016 to last indefinitely? How long did you expect developers to support 2 different lighting systems?
This as well as Indiana Jones are both 1st party games Microsoft which are also being released onto Xbox Series S. They are already supporting two different lighting systems because of that.
It’s not unreasonable to for paying customers to expect Microsoft to just ship the same performance profiles on their PC games.
What Microsoft is doing is not a technological move. It’s a desperate move to sell more Xboxes.
But lowering all settings to low and Dynamic Resolution to max 100 min 66 gets me back to 30fps everywhere
That’s one of the criticism the author mentions early on. It’s really easy for developers to build in a check if their game is running on Steam Deck and then select the performance preset. It’s literally a task of only “if steamdeck=1 set performance profile to low” (so 1 line of code in most cases, a bit more work should they make a dedicated performance profile for Deck).
According to a few more open indie developers, there is a laborious verification process at Valve. I distinctly remember the developers of Selaco detailing their frustrations that they made a native SteamOS version of their game and because that one was somehow stuck at Valve in verification, Steam Deck even defaulted to the worse Windows version on Proton.
Torvalds’s history of verbal abuse is well documented in public mailing list archives.
I can’t speak about whatever happened behind closed doors at LTT nor am I defending anything by LTT but Torvalds is not sunshine and rainbows either.
do have any info on instances blocking Truth Social? Are the instances that don’t block Truth Social?
Almost nobody blocks Truth Social. Everyone seems more preoccupied with blocking Threads over actual far right content.
Lol that would be an absolute mess.
Mister “I’m gonna be a dictator for a day” and getting elected on that platform making a mess? No way!
Loops is even less federated that Blue Sky, meaning not at all. (It’s on the roadmap, though.)
Trump may even welcome that, considering that Truth Social is just Mastodon.
Apple broke metadata compatibility with a recent update. The podcast producer I know with an explicit AAC feed decided to just redirect to the MP3 feed. Unrelated to that, they also increased the MP3 bitrate for better audio quality. The increased file size doesn’t really matter that much compared to 15 years ago and people without unlimited data can just set their automated syncs to WiFi only.