Its currently 71% mostly positive.
People just mad because they’re trying to speedrun the DLC instead of actually playing it. Their basic one shot glass builds arent working with jump attack spam in the DLC, and people are mad they cant cheese it like that.
Which means they haven’t played in over two years, cause those builds were nerfed last year.
I haven’t kept up with the changes. What happened that nerfed jump attack “builds”? Were jump attack nerfed in some way or was some other element of a builds that would end up relying on jump attacks get nerfed?
Status buildup for duel wielding attacks was nerfed, but single hand buildup was kept the same.
Thanks for the quick summary!
Yep. Most reviews I saw were complaining about the difficulty and while I get that to a degree, the game gives you so many tools. I felt like DS3 and 2’s DLCs had a much steeper difficulty curve. The ones complaining about performance felt justified though. I’m still getting dropped frames and stutters on a 4090…
Also saw a review complaining that it’s overpriced because it can be finished in 4 hours. I think they missed a zero there…
I have a 1080Ti and am getting like 120fps at max settings 1080p, 21:9 ultrawide. Loaded up with EAC disabled, offline mode, and Flawless Widescreen software. So I can’t say I am finding myself having bad performance, its been quite good for me.
Isn’t the game locked to 60?
Flawless Widescreen can unlock it.
The base game was almost too easy except for hoarax loux
Can’t say much about the game/DLC personally as I haven’t played it yet, but what you’re looking at seems the be the premium bundle, which is a separate listing. The normal DLC listing is at 63%, mixed.
A common negative review complaint also seems to be performance issues, so it’s not really just the difficulty.
Performance is the only issue I have with the DLC. I keep getting this flashing thing that happens for like a single frame or two. It looks like what happens when your graphics card is dying, but the only time it happens is when I’m playing Elden Ring. It never happens any other time, and I play other, much more graphically and memory intensive games than this with zero issue. I’ve tried turning down settings, but it persists. It does seem to do it less the longer I play, but with every new startup of the game, it does it often then less over time. It might be that I’m still on an HDD and not SSD, but I’m not replacing it because I’m looking to replace my whole machine sometime in the near future.
There are two separate listings for the DLC
The non deluxe is at mixed, the deluxe bundle is at mostly positive.
'm about two hours in. Taking my time. Seems good so far. I went in with my NG+ faith character. It’s a strong build.
Did some coop against a side boss. Community hasn’t changed much - saw some hosts just eat his attacks and die, get greedy and die, the usual.
It does have some sort of bug where it says “illegal activity detected” or something and kicks me out of multiplayer, but I haven’t done any mods or anything. Verified game files. Kind of annoying. Hopefully patched soon.