People consider vegans on Lemmy as too preachy. Even in vegan communities here, mods have to remove soooo many inappropriate comments (I read a few of these and they keep getting removed for good reasons). Comments that suggest going vegan on posts about animal abuse are downvoted.

At the same time, whenever there is something about Windows or Chromium based browsers, people here are doing exactly the same. “Just use Linux/Firefox/whatever”.

    3 months ago

    Tone. Use Firefox/Linux/whatever posts also get downvoted when they are to preachy.

    Wrong: “If you use Windows/eat meat you are evil, repent now !!11! There are no reasons for any person to be doing it, if you don’t understand that you are a monster as well.”

    Right: "I/my company/my dog were using Windows/eating meat and it’s not all bad but the negatives outweight the positives. That’s why I switched to Linux/not eating meat. If anyone else wants to try this is a good way to start: … "