• ugh@lemmy.world
    1 day ago
    1. Windows is a privacy nightmare. The OS is constantly sending data to Microsoft while being used.

    2. Windows hogs resources. If you don’t shovel money out for new hardware every few years, your computer will run like shit.

    3. Windows is full of ads.

    4. The majority of malware is written for Windows. Not really a selling point for me, but it’s a bonus.

    5. Linux is free.

    6. Linux doesn’t force updates. You update when you want to, and it takes less than a minute to do.

    • Cock_Inspecting_Asexual@lemmy.world
      6 minutes ago

      Oooh… okey, noice noice…

      How similar is the interface to windows?? Im mostly interested in how customizable it is. if theres more customization features (I lake to change the colors n fonts of stuff and all my themes are an eyesore on purpose uwu) then im sold.

      Also the amount of fucking data lost on games/programa cus of forced updates…