Remember when abolishing TSA was an anti-Bush liberal cause - a defense of basic civil liberties against encroaching fascism? Now Trump says something negative about the TSA and the liberals reflexively jump to its defense.
Fuck Trump, fuck the TSA, and fuck anyone whose politics change with the weather.
I don’t really see people defending TSA anywhere. I just see people pointing out that Trump thinks DEI initiatives are at fault, while simultaneously thinking that thinning out the workforce in a notoriously understaffed field will strengthen the workforce.
Bin Laden said he did 9/11 to bring attention to the Palestinians suffering. So supporting zionism is how we got 9/11. About two and a half decades later we havent learned a single thing. If anything we care less about human lives all the time.
Bin Laden was very clear that the US military presence in Saudi Arabia was the primary factor. Palestine was mentioned but was never as big of a motivation as Al Qaeda’s goal is reconstructing the caliphate in Medina which would be complicated if the US military were present.
PBS interview transcript:
"when I asked bin Laden if he was worried about being captured in an American raid, he quickly dismissed the possibility, turning instead to the reasons he hates the United States.
"The American imposes himself on everyone. Americans accuse our children in Palestine of being terrorists–those children, who have no weapons and have not even reached maturity. At the same time, Americans defend a country, the state of the Jews, that has a policy to destroy the future of these children.
“We are sure of our victory against the Americans and the Jews as promised by the Prophet: Judgment day shall not come until the Muslim fights the Jew, where the Jew will hide behind trees and stones, and the tree and the stone will speak and say, ‘Muslim, behind me is a Jew. Come and kill him.’”
Bin Laden never raises his voice, and to listen to his untranslated answers, one could imagine that he was talking about something that did not much concern him. Nonchalant. He does not smile. He continued, looking down at his hands as if he were reading invisible notes. “Your situation with Muslims in Palestine is shameful–if there is any shame left in America. Houses were demolished over the heads of children. Also, by the testimony of relief workers in Iraq, the American-led sanctions resulted in the death of more than one million Iraqi children. All of this is done in the name of American interests. We believe that the biggest thieves in the world and the terrorists are the Americans. The only way for us to fend off these assaults is to use similar means. We do not worry about American opinion or the fact that they place prices on our heads. We as Muslims believe our fate is set.”"
“We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians; they are all targets in this fatwa.” Bin Laden argued that American outrage at attacks on American civilians constitutes a great double standard.
“American history does not distinguish between civilians and military, not even women and children. They are the ones who used bombs against Nagasaki. Can these bombs distinguish between infants and military? America does not have a religion that will prevent it from destroying all people.”
Bin Laden believes that what we consider to be terrorism is just the amount of violence required to get the attention of the American people. His aim is to get Americans to consider whether continued support of Israel is worth the bloodshed he promises.
“So we tell the Americans as people,” bin Laden said softly, “and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews. The continuation of tyranny will bring the fight to America, as Ramzi Yousef and others did. This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves.”
Cicling back to you though mothmandelorian, I see you made a surprising number of comments defending Elon Musk and insisting he’s not a nazi and didn’t make a nazi salute. So it could also be you just deny anything you dont like, even in the face of video evidence–and substiture your preferred version of reality in the place of whatever is real. Good chat. Cheers.
Yeah look into the official 9/11 report. You’ll find more about the express goals of AQ and OBL beyond a singular piece about him on PBS which will highlight the issues surrounding Saudi Arabia. Alternatively you can just look into what AQ’s primary goal is and figure it out on your own as the caliphate as the end foal makes it very clear what the intent is.
I have not defended Musk I have explained why the US press will not call what he did a Nazi salute out if fear of libel suits. I also understand there’s a difference between Nazism, which is specifically a German fascist ideology centered around creating a master race to rule the world under a 1000 year reich, which you cannot find evidence of him supporting and would need to in order to win a libel suit and fascism in general which he does support. Is that too nuanced for you to understand?
Yes I think when intelligence agents directly quote translations of materials released by Al Qaeda that those are accurate especially as no Arabic speaking sources not associated with the USA are claiming that they are inaccurate.Had you read it or even understood what government reports are like and how this works you wouldn’t be asking this question.
Im not a right winger. Im not rejecting accusations directed at Musk rather I believe he is a fascist not a nazi specifically because there are differences between those ideologies which you would understand had you been educated at a college level in philosophy or history.
You seemingly have a significant issue with grasping nuanced thought which might be why you have the confusion you are displaying.
Try looking at the 1996 fatwa OBL issued as well where he states again his opposition to KSA housing American soldiers and how he will bring the war to America.
“So the people of Islam realised that they were the
fundamental target of the hostility of the Judeo-Cru-
sader alliance. All the false propaganda about the
supposed rights of Islam was abandoned in the face
of the attacks and massacres committed against
Muslims everywhere, the latest and most serious of
which—the greatest disaster to befall the Muslims
since the death of the Prophet Muhammad—is the
occupation of Saudi Arabia, which is the corner-
stone of the Islamic world, place of revelation,
source of the Prophetic mission, and home of the
Noble Ka’ba where Muslims direct their prayers.
Despite this, it was occupied by the armies of Christians, the Americans, and their allies”
I’m torn on the TSA atm. They are literally safety theater at this point, but with the FBI on the hitlist, terrorism is likely to increase, so the theater might actually have some prevention… 4 years ago I’d say they were a nuisance and the jobs and funding would be better used for Marshalls or FBI.
You’re not deep enough down the rabbit hole tbph. FBI has spent most of their time entrapping complete randos into “terrorist” plots. TSA has always been security theater, the only reason it existed was to launder money (Michael Chertoff, Rapiscan, etc.). “Terrorism” is not a sane thing to be concerned about for this society. Avoiding entirely the issue of who was responsible for 9/11.
Remember when abolishing TSA was an anti-Bush liberal cause - a defense of basic civil liberties against encroaching fascism? Now Trump says something negative about the TSA and the liberals reflexively jump to its defense.
Fuck Trump, fuck the TSA, and fuck anyone whose politics change with the weather.
I don’t really see people defending TSA anywhere. I just see people pointing out that Trump thinks DEI initiatives are at fault, while simultaneously thinking that thinning out the workforce in a notoriously understaffed field will strengthen the workforce.
I was about to clarify a few minutes ago, they were defending the TSA on reddit. “This is how you get 9/11” or something like that.
Half of reddit wasn’t even born yet when we were bitching about the post 9/11 security theater
How do you even know what they were saying on reddit a few minutes ago? squints suspiciously
Sometimes I reflexively do the CTRL-T, re (enter). Been logged out for a while.
Yes I’ve seen a lot defending TSA on Instagram as well
Bin Laden said he did 9/11 to bring attention to the Palestinians suffering. So supporting zionism is how we got 9/11. About two and a half decades later we havent learned a single thing. If anything we care less about human lives all the time.
Bin Laden was very clear that the US military presence in Saudi Arabia was the primary factor. Palestine was mentioned but was never as big of a motivation as Al Qaeda’s goal is reconstructing the caliphate in Medina which would be complicated if the US military were present.
Maybe we’re reading different source material.
PBS interview transcript: "when I asked bin Laden if he was worried about being captured in an American raid, he quickly dismissed the possibility, turning instead to the reasons he hates the United States.
"The American imposes himself on everyone. Americans accuse our children in Palestine of being terrorists–those children, who have no weapons and have not even reached maturity. At the same time, Americans defend a country, the state of the Jews, that has a policy to destroy the future of these children.
“We are sure of our victory against the Americans and the Jews as promised by the Prophet: Judgment day shall not come until the Muslim fights the Jew, where the Jew will hide behind trees and stones, and the tree and the stone will speak and say, ‘Muslim, behind me is a Jew. Come and kill him.’”
Bin Laden never raises his voice, and to listen to his untranslated answers, one could imagine that he was talking about something that did not much concern him. Nonchalant. He does not smile. He continued, looking down at his hands as if he were reading invisible notes. “Your situation with Muslims in Palestine is shameful–if there is any shame left in America. Houses were demolished over the heads of children. Also, by the testimony of relief workers in Iraq, the American-led sanctions resulted in the death of more than one million Iraqi children. All of this is done in the name of American interests. We believe that the biggest thieves in the world and the terrorists are the Americans. The only way for us to fend off these assaults is to use similar means. We do not worry about American opinion or the fact that they place prices on our heads. We as Muslims believe our fate is set.”"
“We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians; they are all targets in this fatwa.” Bin Laden argued that American outrage at attacks on American civilians constitutes a great double standard.
“American history does not distinguish between civilians and military, not even women and children. They are the ones who used bombs against Nagasaki. Can these bombs distinguish between infants and military? America does not have a religion that will prevent it from destroying all people.”
Bin Laden believes that what we consider to be terrorism is just the amount of violence required to get the attention of the American people. His aim is to get Americans to consider whether continued support of Israel is worth the bloodshed he promises.
“So we tell the Americans as people,” bin Laden said softly, “and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews. The continuation of tyranny will bring the fight to America, as Ramzi Yousef and others did. This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves.”
Cicling back to you though mothmandelorian, I see you made a surprising number of comments defending Elon Musk and insisting he’s not a nazi and didn’t make a nazi salute. So it could also be you just deny anything you dont like, even in the face of video evidence–and substiture your preferred version of reality in the place of whatever is real. Good chat. Cheers.
Yeah look into the official 9/11 report. You’ll find more about the express goals of AQ and OBL beyond a singular piece about him on PBS which will highlight the issues surrounding Saudi Arabia. Alternatively you can just look into what AQ’s primary goal is and figure it out on your own as the caliphate as the end foal makes it very clear what the intent is.
I have not defended Musk I have explained why the US press will not call what he did a Nazi salute out if fear of libel suits. I also understand there’s a difference between Nazism, which is specifically a German fascist ideology centered around creating a master race to rule the world under a 1000 year reich, which you cannot find evidence of him supporting and would need to in order to win a libel suit and fascism in general which he does support. Is that too nuanced for you to understand?
you really think thats an accurate and truthful document?
Yes I think when intelligence agents directly quote translations of materials released by Al Qaeda that those are accurate especially as no Arabic speaking sources not associated with the USA are claiming that they are inaccurate.Had you read it or even understood what government reports are like and how this works you wouldn’t be asking this question.
Im not a right winger. Im not rejecting accusations directed at Musk rather I believe he is a fascist not a nazi specifically because there are differences between those ideologies which you would understand had you been educated at a college level in philosophy or history.
You seemingly have a significant issue with grasping nuanced thought which might be why you have the confusion you are displaying.
Try looking at the 1996 fatwa OBL issued as well where he states again his opposition to KSA housing American soldiers and how he will bring the war to America.
“So the people of Islam realised that they were the fundamental target of the hostility of the Judeo-Cru- sader alliance. All the false propaganda about the supposed rights of Islam was abandoned in the face of the attacks and massacres committed against Muslims everywhere, the latest and most serious of which—the greatest disaster to befall the Muslims since the death of the Prophet Muhammad—is the occupation of Saudi Arabia, which is the corner- stone of the Islamic world, place of revelation, source of the Prophetic mission, and home of the Noble Ka’ba where Muslims direct their prayers. Despite this, it was occupied by the armies of Christians, the Americans, and their allies” Osama bin Laden's 1996 Fatwa against United States_0.pdf
I think this post is more about the “key aviation safety advisory committee” being gutted right before the worst air disaster in over a decade.
It’s hard because with Trump everything he says comes from a misguided place.
So, it’ll be like:
Trump: “We need to get rid of for profit prisons…!”
Me: “Yes…!”
Trump: “… we should simply be executing everyone in the streets!”
Me: “… No…!”
So yea… Anyway, fuck Trump and fuck the TSA
I’m torn on the TSA atm. They are literally safety theater at this point, but with the FBI on the hitlist, terrorism is likely to increase, so the theater might actually have some prevention… 4 years ago I’d say they were a nuisance and the jobs and funding would be better used for Marshalls or FBI.
You’re not deep enough down the rabbit hole tbph. FBI has spent most of their time entrapping complete randos into “terrorist” plots. TSA has always been security theater, the only reason it existed was to launder money (Michael Chertoff, Rapiscan, etc.). “Terrorism” is not a sane thing to be concerned about for this society. Avoiding entirely the issue of who was responsible for 9/11.
Whoa, seeing those two words together just blasted a decade of rust off of some neurons I had in cold storage.
Btw, fuck that guy.
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