Totally agree and the fucker already got the money. They are just fucking other people’s lives. However, we can agree that if you think you’re buying a car that someone is going to burn down, then that’s a good deterrent to buy them. So I can also see the positive side of things. And all these cars are probably insured against vandalism anyway
You don’t need insurance FOR your car. You MUST have a “Haftpflichtversicherung” - but that only covers damage done by you and your car. If you only have that, you’ll get exactly 0 Euro.
Most people here have partial coverage, so if glass breaks, you get into an accident with a wild animal or you car gets stolen - and you’ll get some money back.
Full coverage would also include stupid mistakes you made. As long as they are not on purpose or done by speeding, drinking and driving and stuff like that.
So yeah, most people with newer cars would have full coverage. Expensive tho. So older cars usually only have partial or none coverage - only “Haftpflichtversicherung” is a must. Without you are not allowed to have a car in traffic.
All cars are required to have insurance in most European countries, Germany included. Not sure if collateral damage by vandalism is covered by default, but most of the time you are covered against any damage that you yourself didn’t cause, so I assume it is covered.
Required insurance doesnt cover thing like that tho. It covers your liability not your car from the elements. For that you need at least partial coverage which tbh most people with Teslas probably have.
I can assure you if you have a second hand 10 year old car and it burns down, you’ll get 3000€ from insurance, and good luck finding a replacement for that money.
“They have insurance” doesn’t solve all problems when you’re struggling and need a car for work.
I can’t speak for Germany but my car insurance wouldn’t cover arson. It only covers liability, so if I cause damage or personal injury with my vehicle then my insurance kicks in and covers the other person’s damages. If I wreck my car in a single vehicle collision, a tree falls on it, or someone who doesn’t have insurance hits me then I get nothing. That is collision and/or comprehensive insurance that cover those situations respectively.
However I know that if I were to lease a vehicle, I would need to get comprehensive insurance as part of the lease agreement. These were probably leased so their insurance might cover it, definitely not all of those Tesla owners though.
Civilized countries require insurance so that victims aren’t at fault and on the hook, and better ones will even provide it(the province of Québec does the liability portion, for example).
the magamobile… i know it has its issues, but the sad thing is, if you want an electric car as a person who does not care about car-people-things, the magamobile is one of the best options in terms of efficiency. ALSO in terms of used vehicles, you can get teslas so bloody cheap rn and for people who just want to get from A to B with Comfort and ease, you dont have so many other options.
At some point you have to draw a line, and the car sold by the guy who’s directly helping to destroy the US, helping the AFD in Germany get more power, and cutting aid to so many other countries which will lead to millions of deaths is a pretty fucking easy line to draw. Besides, as the saying goes, “electric cars aren’t here to save the planet, they’re here to save cars” so take public transit and fight for it if you don’t have it(also this is in Germany and Europe generally has more options than the backwater that is the US).
There are plenty of other options that aren’t so boldly rotten as Tesla, too. People not wanting even the slightest inconvenience is how we get into these messes and it’s time to buck up and deal with it.
I hadn’t even considered that this is causing the used market to drop out. We could be urging people who otherwise couldn’t or wouldn’t to adopt EVs. Could turn the negative into a positive.
yes!!! This is a great thing for the Used Market, especially when considering that the longer you drive an ev (with eco friendly energy) the better the thing is for the planet! GO BUY USED EVs!!!
when you have Solar Power@Home (or biogas or whatever you can do to produce electric energy) a cheap used ev is the absolute best option when you need a car.
ICE cars are filled with gasoline and function by blowing it up, the risk is clear. EVs should not be catching fire.
Also yea, I want people to use public transportation, actually. And I want villages to return, not these horrendous sprawling “small towns” where, despite having less stuff than my Montréal neighbourhood, it’s a huge pain to get anywhere and you need a car at least simply because too many jobs that could be remote aren’t.
So many people on social media cheering for vandalizing other people’s private property just because they disagree with the politics of the maker of their cars. Wild.
“Just because they disagree with the politics” look we can say what we want about the burning Teslas part this isn’t a “little disagreement”. Musk’s a full-blown turbo-Nazi and in and in Germany, where this happened, he’s pouring money into the AFD which is essentially just the return of a German Nazi party. Don’t water it down.
Not everybody has insurance that covers vandalism. Most people have a deductible they need to pay before the insurance kick in. You are forcing people to take time out of their day to take the car to the shop for repairs and/or have to deal with long administrative tasks.
Premiums would not only go up for future Tesla owners.
Not everybody has insurance that covers vandalism.
Tesla owners should upgrade quickly.
Most people have a deductible they need to pay before the insurance kick in.
True. However the main financial impact on current Tesla owners is the falling 2nd hand market price. Current owners are already losing out. Nothing can be done about that.
You are forcing people to take time out of their day to take the car to the shop for repairs and/or have to deal with long administrative tasks.
So sell the Telsa if that is a worry.
Premiums would not only go up for future Tesla owners.
If only Teslas are vandalised then only that brands premiums are affected.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have. That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
Besides, you tell people to sell their cars, while you acknowledge the big financial hit that would involve; who are they going to sell it to? Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
Tesla owners are people who could afford luxury cars, and NEW Tesla owners are people who are fine with Nazis, that is, exterminating a fuckton of helpless people. The first category, I’m sorry for but they can afford the insurance and if they were stupid enough not to get one, even now when it’s obvious that they need it, it’s their loss. The second category we are at war with, and if it ever goes full blown, idk if somebody told you how wars work, but I’ll be killing them. Setting their car on fire is pretty tame compared to that.
Do people think wars consist of the parties sending strongly worded letters at each other?
Edit: and toppling a billionaire to prevent a full blown war that will kill a few million people worldwide is worth ANYTHING short of killing a few million people worldwide.
Specifically his ego, Musk is such a weakling that he sees ANY attack on Tesla as an attack on himself. That may be the point basically using the cars as proxy but the fact he legit gets so upset about it means it’s working. Also as I need to remention Musk is such a fucking weak little bitch that he gets sad when folks burn something his company produces.
Yeah conservatives were totally the largest market for EVs before Musk took the mask off, right? You people truly have not spent even a microsecond thinking this through.
Read this thread man. People have become fucking deranged, cheering on destroying the property of people who likely had no reason to believe they’d be making car payments to a Nazi.
Frankly if you’re not out canvassing for politicians you support or helping organize a union or something but you can find the time to cheer on the destruction of what is likely a worker’s property, you need to get a grip.
If you own a Telsa, sell it. It sucks but Muskrat is actually dismantling decades of institutional organization. He’s an threat to our country and when it collapses he’ll just fly to the next country while we burn.
Flood the market with used Swasticars that nobody wants to be associated with and nobody will buy the new ones. Money is the only thing they understand.
He’s got the president of the u.s. on the front lawn hucking his cars, it’s hilarious and sad.
Realistically, this makes no difference. Tesla has already got the money from the seller. The only person losing is the seller who now sells the car at lower price than they bought it for and have to put in more money to buy a replacement vehicle.
Flood the market with used Swasticars that nobody wants to be associated with and nobody will buy the new ones. Money is the only thing they understand.
The only ones who will buy Teslas now are conservatives and they will buy new ‘just to show support for Musk’.
Denying Tesla the sale of a second car to a second person makes no difference because they already got the first sale of the first car? Pretty sure Tesla would prefer to sell two cars instead of one, and get the profit directly. There is an assumption here that the original buyer (who sold the car) went and bought another Tesla, which is in conflict with the other poster saying people should sell their Tesla (as it move away from the brand).
The only ones who will buy Teslas now are conservatives and they will buy new ‘just to show support for Musk’.
So, let them. It’s still not getting Tesla what they ultimately want – money – long as the original owner doesn’t buy a Tesla themselves.
Subscriptions might be an argument that Tesla could still profit, but then the question is where/how do they profit more from ownership?
Who said anything about destroying cars¿? I am just talking about selling them. I do hope the people whose cars were burnt had insurance. Then they could claim that and use it to buy a better car from a non nazi manufacturer.
Granted, but I was just pointing out that the act of burning teslas isn’t something that people do to “destroy cars so that Elon gets less money”. Mussolini wasn’t hanged upside down because his heels were stronger than his neck.
I don’t own one, but when I was considering which EV to buy they were on the list. I could have easily been just another Tesla owner, now getting their car burnt to a crisp or getting spray painted with Nazi symbols.
I am a unpaid union executive. I volunteer my time to groups like a Right-to-Repair advocacy organization. If the shitheads burning cars could get this motivated about these or other issues, we’d be knocking problems over like dominoes. Instead “activism” for a lot of people now means complaining on the internet and destroying the property of workers.
Frankly people need to take that type of activism and fuck right off with it. Do some real work or go home and let the adults figure it out.
I do all kinds of work organizing IRL thanks. Do you think the people that set the cars on fire were just online or something? Shitposting is useless, the real ones are taking it offline.
A bit of advice to an alleged Union man? Get some solidarity and stop supporting fascists scab. Support Unions by buying union-made cars, not ones made by a Union busting fascists.
I advised the person claiming to be in a union to do their part and support unions, not union busters.
I advise solidarity with non-fascists by not supporting anything that puts money into a fascists pocket.
Personally I think targeting showrooms would be more effective but I’m 100% confident Evil Insurance Companies will make things right for the downtrodden Tesla owners and they can buy a new car. Judging by most people’s reactions, at least a few won’t buy a Tesla.
You could petition for adoption of an EV plug that isn’t Tesla’s. You could ask to have the Tesla supercharger network be declared anti-competitive and force Musk to divest. Bonus points if you can convince people it should be a public good.
Lots of moves could be made. Instead you advocate for bashing the fash by… Burning cars owned by workers? And somehow you fail to see how this is not just morally and logically wrong, it also harms the view of leftists in the eyes of the public?
I will be reporting anyone I catch destroying otherwise innocent people’s property to the authorities. I will not be associated with you fucking animals.
Imagine you buy a car and it gets burned down because the owner of the car company turns out to be a Nazi.
I would like Tesla to go bankrupt too but cheering on regular peoples property being destroyed is wrong.
Totally agree and the fucker already got the money. They are just fucking other people’s lives. However, we can agree that if you think you’re buying a car that someone is going to burn down, then that’s a good deterrent to buy them. So I can also see the positive side of things. And all these cars are probably insured against vandalism anyway
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made to get the message across.
Imagine parking next to a Tesla and your car becomes collateral damage.
Meh, they have insurance
some of them maybe? surely not all?
You don’t need insurance FOR your car. You MUST have a “Haftpflichtversicherung” - but that only covers damage done by you and your car. If you only have that, you’ll get exactly 0 Euro.
Most people here have partial coverage, so if glass breaks, you get into an accident with a wild animal or you car gets stolen - and you’ll get some money back.
Full coverage would also include stupid mistakes you made. As long as they are not on purpose or done by speeding, drinking and driving and stuff like that.
So yeah, most people with newer cars would have full coverage. Expensive tho. So older cars usually only have partial or none coverage - only “Haftpflichtversicherung” is a must. Without you are not allowed to have a car in traffic.
All cars are required to have insurance in most European countries, Germany included. Not sure if collateral damage by vandalism is covered by default, but most of the time you are covered against any damage that you yourself didn’t cause, so I assume it is covered.
Not so in Austria. Only Haftpflichtversicherung is required which only covers the car owner’s liability.
Required insurance doesnt cover thing like that tho. It covers your liability not your car from the elements. For that you need at least partial coverage which tbh most people with Teslas probably have.
I can assure you if you have a second hand 10 year old car and it burns down, you’ll get 3000€ from insurance, and good luck finding a replacement for that money.
“They have insurance” doesn’t solve all problems when you’re struggling and need a car for work.
So you can buy another 10 years old car with that.
I can’t speak for Germany but my car insurance wouldn’t cover arson. It only covers liability, so if I cause damage or personal injury with my vehicle then my insurance kicks in and covers the other person’s damages. If I wreck my car in a single vehicle collision, a tree falls on it, or someone who doesn’t have insurance hits me then I get nothing. That is collision and/or comprehensive insurance that cover those situations respectively.
However I know that if I were to lease a vehicle, I would need to get comprehensive insurance as part of the lease agreement. These were probably leased so their insurance might cover it, definitely not all of those Tesla owners though.
Civilized countries require insurance so that victims aren’t at fault and on the hook, and better ones will even provide it(the province of Québec does the liability portion, for example).
Hopefully they had bubble insurance and now they’re freed of their magamobile and can buy something better.
Yeah because insurance companies are run by great people who are known for helping others.
This is Europe, not USA. We are not getting fucked by insurance companies on a daily basis - only weekly basis.
the magamobile… i know it has its issues, but the sad thing is, if you want an electric car as a person who does not care about car-people-things, the magamobile is one of the best options in terms of efficiency. ALSO in terms of used vehicles, you can get teslas so bloody cheap rn and for people who just want to get from A to B with Comfort and ease, you dont have so many other options.
At some point you have to draw a line, and the car sold by the guy who’s directly helping to destroy the US, helping the AFD in Germany get more power, and cutting aid to so many other countries which will lead to millions of deaths is a pretty fucking easy line to draw. Besides, as the saying goes, “electric cars aren’t here to save the planet, they’re here to save cars” so take public transit and fight for it if you don’t have it(also this is in Germany and Europe generally has more options than the backwater that is the US).
There are plenty of other options that aren’t so boldly rotten as Tesla, too. People not wanting even the slightest inconvenience is how we get into these messes and it’s time to buck up and deal with it.
I hadn’t even considered that this is causing the used market to drop out. We could be urging people who otherwise couldn’t or wouldn’t to adopt EVs. Could turn the negative into a positive.
Nope the “activists” say, burn em all.
yes!!! This is a great thing for the Used Market, especially when considering that the longer you drive an ev (with eco friendly energy) the better the thing is for the planet! GO BUY USED EVs!!! when you have Solar Power@Home (or biogas or whatever you can do to produce electric energy) a cheap used ev is the absolute best option when you need a car.
Sure, I have some sympathy for those who bought them years ago.
But let’s not mince words. If you buy a Tesla today, you are literally a Nazi collaborator.
Those who bought a Tesla much earlier were more like one of those few people who bought one of Hitler’s paintings during his starving artist phase.
I think Tesla owners should put anti elon stickers on theirbcars
I saw this the other day, in north Germany
You’re putting money in his pocket. Fuck your stickers.
How? What?
By enabling people to protest by buying Tesla and sticking anti ElMo stickers.
The people who would go that far to give him money wouldn’t be comfortable putting that sticker on.
Aha…it’s true but there might be some influencers who might look the other way.
it could’ve caught fire on its own, it’s a tesla.
you should’ve known that when you bought the car too, before you knew about the nazism.
Yeah ICE cars catch fire 61x more often than EVs.
Facts are important. We want people to switch to EVs. Spreading falsehoods because it helps your own side short term is wrong.
no we don’t. we want people to switch to public transit
No. Both can be true.
ICE cars are filled with gasoline and function by blowing it up, the risk is clear. EVs should not be catching fire.
Also yea, I want people to use public transportation, actually. And I want villages to return, not these horrendous sprawling “small towns” where, despite having less stuff than my Montréal neighbourhood, it’s a huge pain to get anywhere and you need a car at least simply because too many jobs that could be remote aren’t.
just to clarify I’m not talking about “EVs”. I’m talking about teslas. they’re famously prone to catching fire.
So many people on social media cheering for vandalizing other people’s private property just because they disagree with the politics of the maker of their cars. Wild.
“Just because they disagree with the politics” look we can say what we want about the burning Teslas part this isn’t a “little disagreement”. Musk’s a full-blown turbo-Nazi and in and in Germany, where this happened, he’s pouring money into the AFD which is essentially just the return of a German Nazi party. Don’t water it down.
That is politics. Are you suggesting it is acceptable to destroy private property that belongs to the members of the AFD?
A thousand times yes lol. Surprised you’re on ml instead of world with this kind of take.
Because this is one of the only ways to attack a billionaire.
You’re not attacking a billionaire. You are attacking random private citizens.
Nah. The random private citizens get the insurance money. Premiums only go up for future Tesla owners.
Not everybody has insurance that covers vandalism. Most people have a deductible they need to pay before the insurance kick in. You are forcing people to take time out of their day to take the car to the shop for repairs and/or have to deal with long administrative tasks.
Premiums would not only go up for future Tesla owners.
Tesla owners should upgrade quickly.
True. However the main financial impact on current Tesla owners is the falling 2nd hand market price. Current owners are already losing out. Nothing can be done about that.
So sell the Telsa if that is a worry.
If only Teslas are vandalised then only that brands premiums are affected.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have. That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
Besides, you tell people to sell their cars, while you acknowledge the big financial hit that would involve; who are they going to sell it to? Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
Tesla owners are people who could afford luxury cars, and NEW Tesla owners are people who are fine with Nazis, that is, exterminating a fuckton of helpless people. The first category, I’m sorry for but they can afford the insurance and if they were stupid enough not to get one, even now when it’s obvious that they need it, it’s their loss. The second category we are at war with, and if it ever goes full blown, idk if somebody told you how wars work, but I’ll be killing them. Setting their car on fire is pretty tame compared to that.
Do people think wars consist of the parties sending strongly worded letters at each other?
Edit: and toppling a billionaire to prevent a full blown war that will kill a few million people worldwide is worth ANYTHING short of killing a few million people worldwide.
Specifically his ego, Musk is such a weakling that he sees ANY attack on Tesla as an attack on himself. That may be the point basically using the cars as proxy but the fact he legit gets so upset about it means it’s working. Also as I need to remention Musk is such a fucking weak little bitch that he gets sad when folks burn something his company produces.
But you hurt the regular people way more.
If they are insured, no.
Insurance premiums will go up on teslas.
Then people will buy less tesla.
Then Musk will get margin called.
Premiums going up will hurt regular people more than Musk. Hurting your fellow countrymen is such a lefty thing to do…
It will only hurt people who continue to own Teslas when they renew their insurance. They are part of the demographic supporting Musk, so fuckem.
Yeah conservatives were totally the largest market for EVs before Musk took the mask off, right? You people truly have not spent even a microsecond thinking this through.
What? This has nothing to do with politics of the consumer. YOU haven’t thought this through.
The point is to damage Musk. If you continue to use his products (rather than sell or scrap) then you are part of the problems.
This is true for cars, websites, AI, satellite connectivity etc.
They don’t care. They are psychopaths,
Read this thread man. People have become fucking deranged, cheering on destroying the property of people who likely had no reason to believe they’d be making car payments to a Nazi.
Frankly if you’re not out canvassing for politicians you support or helping organize a union or something but you can find the time to cheer on the destruction of what is likely a worker’s property, you need to get a grip.
If you own a Telsa, sell it. It sucks but Muskrat is actually dismantling decades of institutional organization. He’s an threat to our country and when it collapses he’ll just fly to the next country while we burn.
Flood the market with used Swasticars that nobody wants to be associated with and nobody will buy the new ones. Money is the only thing they understand.
He’s got the president of the u.s. on the front lawn hucking his cars, it’s hilarious and sad.
Sell to whom?
I hear Aquaman is buying em
Is this a Ben Shapiro reference?
It’s a hbomberguy reference about how much of an idiot Ben Shapiro is.
Realistically, this makes no difference. Tesla has already got the money from the seller. The only person losing is the seller who now sells the car at lower price than they bought it for and have to put in more money to buy a replacement vehicle.
The only ones who will buy Teslas now are conservatives and they will buy new ‘just to show support for Musk’.
Denying Tesla the sale of a second car to a second person makes no difference because they already got the first sale of the first car? Pretty sure Tesla would prefer to sell two cars instead of one, and get the profit directly. There is an assumption here that the original buyer (who sold the car) went and bought another Tesla, which is in conflict with the other poster saying people should sell their Tesla (as it move away from the brand).
So, let them. It’s still not getting Tesla what they ultimately want – money – long as the original owner doesn’t buy a Tesla themselves.
Subscriptions might be an argument that Tesla could still profit, but then the question is where/how do they profit more from ownership?
The goal is not to destroy cars, it is to destroy what it represents.
Who said anything about destroying cars¿? I am just talking about selling them. I do hope the people whose cars were burnt had insurance. Then they could claim that and use it to buy a better car from a non nazi manufacturer.
Granted, but I was just pointing out that the act of burning teslas isn’t something that people do to “destroy cars so that Elon gets less money”. Mussolini wasn’t hanged upside down because his heels were stronger than his neck.
I don’t own one, but when I was considering which EV to buy they were on the list. I could have easily been just another Tesla owner, now getting their car burnt to a crisp or getting spray painted with Nazi symbols.
I am a unpaid union executive. I volunteer my time to groups like a Right-to-Repair advocacy organization. If the shitheads burning cars could get this motivated about these or other issues, we’d be knocking problems over like dominoes. Instead “activism” for a lot of people now means complaining on the internet and destroying the property of workers.
Frankly people need to take that type of activism and fuck right off with it. Do some real work or go home and let the adults figure it out.
I do all kinds of work organizing IRL thanks. Do you think the people that set the cars on fire were just online or something? Shitposting is useless, the real ones are taking it offline.
A bit of advice to an alleged Union man? Get some solidarity and stop supporting fascists scab. Support Unions by buying union-made cars, not ones made by a Union busting fascists.
You advise for solidarity by burning down cars of other regular people…
I advised the person claiming to be in a union to do their part and support unions, not union busters.
I advise solidarity with non-fascists by not supporting anything that puts money into a fascists pocket.
Personally I think targeting showrooms would be more effective but I’m 100% confident Evil Insurance Companies will make things right for the downtrodden Tesla owners and they can buy a new car. Judging by most people’s reactions, at least a few won’t buy a Tesla.
You could petition for adoption of an EV plug that isn’t Tesla’s. You could ask to have the Tesla supercharger network be declared anti-competitive and force Musk to divest. Bonus points if you can convince people it should be a public good.
Lots of moves could be made. Instead you advocate for bashing the fash by… Burning cars owned by workers? And somehow you fail to see how this is not just morally and logically wrong, it also harms the view of leftists in the eyes of the public?
Are you a real person or do you glow?
The time for petitions and lobbying have passed. Our regulatory agencies have been captured and our politicians bought.
In the future it’ll only get more and more dangerous to associate with Teslas at all. Anyone who values their personal safety should unload it now.
I will be reporting anyone I catch destroying otherwise innocent people’s property to the authorities. I will not be associated with you fucking animals.