If you could invent a machine that sexes unhatched eggs that would be great
If you could invent a machine that sexes unhatched eggs that would be great
Plus the $11B loss that he gets to deduct…
Bummer for Signal employees
Welcome to journalism in 202x
Crimes against persons/police officers were also pardoned
Too bad court orders cant be enforced
Leopards would never eat a judge’s face.
Or 5 powder rooms and zero bathtubs
There is actually a way to sideload apps without internet. I did it once and forgot the details
Shit up about the eggs!
I got their voice widget, its slow and stupid.
Need to figure out how to connect it to a gpu
Its like an infinite money hack!
So he’s a big ballsack?
Back when my cat was alive I got occasional reports that he would enter various other houses nearby and meow by the fridge until he was given a cold cut.
But all females have been deleted from nasa
Confirmed, am moron.
Looking at you, Texas Instruments
Dumpsters are full of the leftovers from a well functioning supply chain…