• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    They’re not shocked, mainly because it’s not about the children, it was never about the children.

    It’s about exercising control over the choices a woman can make.

    Listen fellas, you make your choice about having a kid when you get freaky without protection. After that point, you’ve made your bed. I know, it sucks, because a horny brain is not a brain that makes rational decisions. I’m sorry about that.

    You can give your opinion on whether to keep or terminate the pregnancy, but ultimately it’s up to the lady in the scenario to make the final call. You can, and absolutely should have an opinion on the matter, you can and should be heard; but make no mistake, it’s entirely her decision. If she chooses to go against what you want, your choice becomes: step up and be a dad, or pay to remove yourself from the situation. Alternatively (if you want the kid and she wants to terminate), continue with this person, and if she changes her mind about kids, try again, or find someone who will bear your offspring. You can’t force her into one decision or the other… At least you can’t, short of illegal actions, or by living in a state that forbids abortion… I guess.

    I will never agree with taking away a woman’s right to choose. Unwanted pregnancy is, in my opinion, taking away her right to choose entirely. The woman doesn’t always have a choice in whether she partakes in a sexual act or if protection is used. As much as any person who forces another to engage in unwanted sexual activity, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law, until they’re caught, there’s a nontrivial chance of someone being violated and ending up with an unwanted parasite. Taking someone’s choice to terminate that pregnancy, away from them, is, for all intents and purposes, IMO, psychological torture.

    There’s a ton more I can say about it, but bluntly, anyone still reading, and not furiously typing a response about how I’m evil for wanting abortion to be legal, already knows all about it. Her body, her choice. Until such a time that we can communicate with a fetus to determine whether it wants to live or not, the only voice that matters is hers.

      • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        I do everything I can not to white knight about anything.

        I support the right to choose. I support women’s rights, and I support bodily autonomy for everyone.

        Once you have the choice, then you can do with that whatever you want. If you want my opinion on a specific scenario, I’ll provide it, I have no issue with that, but final decisions are up to the individual who is responsible for that decision, the person who will live with the consequences of that choice.