• lath@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I disagree in principle as i am biased against alcoholism, but yeah. Limits of tolerance aren’t the same for everyone.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            George Burns supposedly drank a bottle of scotch every day until he died and chain-smoked cigars. He died at 101 doing things that have killed people younger than 50.

            Some people have bodies that can handle anything the owner wishes to throw at themselves. See also: Keith Richards, age 80.

    • tegs_terry@feddit.uk
      2 months ago

      It ‘unlocked’ my stomach once; tore the fucker right open. They gave me morphine to take for the pain, which went well. Anyway, three years sober now.

  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    This is such a low-effort shitpost. “Person I don’t like probably thinks even worse thing than I’ve heard her say”

    • riot@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I think what the person on Twitter wrote is in response to Rowling going off on a rant about cisgender female boxer, Imane Khelif (from Algeria), in the Olympics, and insisting that she’s a man. Rowling’s tweet here. There’s an article here that outlines the response from the Olympics, and the other female boxer, Italian boxer Angela Carini, who lost to Imane Khelif.

      Carini, however, said to reporters after the match: “I wish her to carry on until the end and that she can be happy … I am not here to judge or pass judgment. If an athlete is this way, and in that sense it’s not right or it is right, it’s not up to me to decide.”

      And as that article also notes:

      It’s also worth noting that it is illegal to be transgender in Algeria – so to peddle the information that the country would send a trans athlete to compete in the Olympics would frankly be laughable if it wasn’t so maddening.

      Edit: Forgot to link to the article.

      • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        And yet, at no point did she say or even infer “only white people can be women” nor bring race into the issue. The OP disagreeing with Rowling on transgender issues is absolutely fine, but to smear her by innuendo to associate her with also being racist is going too far.

        It is also an example of the straw-man nonsense deployed by right wing extremists all the time; it’s disturbing to see the same tactics being deployed by the left or centre on twitter and then more disturbing to see it being upvoted and even justified here.

        • Catoblepas@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          2 months ago

          Seeing someone deny the womanhood of two women who aren’t white and calling that racist only seems like a smear if you aren’t familiar with the long history of associating femininity with whiteness, and more specifically associating black women with masculinity. Black girls and women are consistently viewed as more masculine and less innocent than white girls and women.

          Waiting for JKR to say “I’m doing a racism” before calling things she’s said racist essentially means never calling her racist.

  • solsangraal@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    i feel bad for all the people i know who got harry potter tattoos 15 years ago

    edit: it’s really fucking weird how people are trying to invalidate my criticism of the bigoted bigot who loves bigotry, j.k. rowling

    • chilburn06@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Why? I have a HP tattoo and don’t regret it. The fandom has gone past the author at this point. She’s a hateful removed but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still love the world and characters she created. We’ve made it our own.

          • solsangraal@lemmy.zip
            2 months ago

            I’m happy for you being able to pretend these things are separate from the weird cringe asshole who created it. personally, hp shit just makes me think bigot

            • Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Better apply that energy to other things, too.

              Like the rolling stones? You’re a pedophile.

              Enjoy Top Gun? You support scientology.

              Ever played any Blizzard game? You support sexual harassment.

              Ever ate anything related to Nestle? You support slavery.

              There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. You better get used to it.

    • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      Big time:

      • Asian character with a nonsense name that sounds like Ching Chong
      • black character Kingsley Shacklebolt (MLK Shackles)
      • Jewish character named Goldstein
      • Jewish stereotype goblins
      • Irish character who’s obsessed with whiskey and explosives.
      • she went on Pottermore and explained that Skinwalkers are actually just misunderstood wizards, and the native american muggles were wrong to oppress the skinwalkers
      • her designs of the international magic schools are ignorant nonsense
  • Seraph@fedia.io
    2 months ago

    Much like my mother, she should have no access to phones or internet after a bottle of wine.

  • blady_blah@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It really feels like people hate on her way more than they should. Can someone explain to me where it’s all coming from? I read some of her trans statements and honestly they weren’t that bad. If feels too me like on a scale of 1 to 10, the hate should be at a 3, but it always seems to be at an 8 or 9. WTF?

    • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      This sarcasm? She literally call us “The Penised” and claims we’re stealing all the womanhood.

      • blady_blah@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Really? That’s worth wishing she was dead? Who the fuck cares? Again, on a scale of 1-10, I think that rates a 2.

        If you actually read her posts (the ones I read in 5 min of internet searching before I asked this question), her message is basically (paraphrasing) “I support trans people’s rights to live as they want, but I value womanhood and take pride in my womanhood. As such, I want trans people to live as they want, but I want to keep the idea of womanhood separate because I value it as a space for women.” I’m assuming she said something much worse somewhere else??? … but that’s really a fucking lame thing to base all this hate on. Really, there has to be something more, right? Right?

        • Bongles@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          “I support trans people’s rights to live as they want, but I value womanhood and take pride in my womanhood. As such, I want trans people to live as they want, but I want to keep the idea of womanhood separate because I value it as a space for women.”

          If that was what she was saying it’d be fine. You would likely need to do a little more than 5 minutes of searching to understand what all the commotion is about but I might be able to provide some context that would help. If you actually want to read all of this.

          Let’s take the essay she wrote on her website.

          For people who don’t know: last December I tweeted my support for Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who’d lost her job for what were deemed ‘transphobic’ tweets. She took her case to an employment tribunal, asking the judge to rule on whether a philosophical belief that sex is determined by biology is protected in law. Judge Tayler ruled that it wasn’t.

          You can read that court case ruling and see examples of what comments Maya made, through tweets, slack, and otherwise. JK puts transphobic in quotes and words her comment in a way that is implying that she does not agree with that label. This example from the document is pretty on the nose though:

          I believe that it is impossible to change sex or to lose your sex. Girls grow up to be women. Boys grow up to be men. No change of clothes or hairstyle, no plastic surgery, no accident or illness, no course of hormones, no force of will or social conditioning, no declaration can turn a female person into a male, or a male person into a female.

          Then the essay says:

          Months later, I compounded my accidental ‘like’ crime by following Magdalen Berns on Twitter. Magdalen was an immensely brave young feminist and lesbian who was dying of an aggressive brain tumour. I followed her because I wanted to contact her directly, which I succeeded in doing. However, as Magdalen was a great believer in the importance of biological sex, and didn’t believe lesbians should be called bigots for not dating trans women with penises, dots were joined in the heads of twitter trans activists, and the level of social media abuse increased.

          Magdalen Berns wasn’t “a great believer in the importance of biological sex”, she was openly transphobic and compared it to blackface.

          So twice JK is defending clearly transphobic people and downplaying it to things like, oh they just tweeted something or just believed in biological sex (whatever that means) and were canceled by activists online.

          Then later in the essay she says:

          Most people probably aren’t aware – I certainly wasn’t, until I started researching this issue properly – that ten years ago, the majority of people wanting to transition to the opposite sex were male. That ratio has now reversed. The UK has experienced a 4400% increase in girls being referred for transitioning treatment. Autistic girls are hugely overrepresented in their numbers.

          That does happen when there’s an increase in awareness, access, and acceptance of something.

          The same phenomenon has been seen in the US. In 2018, American physician and researcher Lisa Littman set out to explore it. In an interview, she said:

          ‘Parents online were describing a very unusual pattern of transgender-identification where multiple friends and even entire friend groups became transgender-identified at the same time. I would have been remiss had I not considered social contagion and peer influences as potential factors.’

          Littman mentioned Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube as contributing factors to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where she believes that in the realm of transgender identification ‘youth have created particularly insular echo chambers.’

          Her paper caused a furore. She was accused of bias and of spreading misinformation about transgender people, subjected to a tsunami of abuse and a concerted campaign to discredit both her and her work. The journal took the paper offline and re-reviewed it before republishing it. However, her career took a similar hit to that suffered by Maya Forstater. Lisa Littman had dared challenge one of the central tenets of trans activism, which is that a person’s gender identity is innate, like sexual orientation. Nobody, the activists insisted, could ever be persuaded into being trans.

          With this, JK is pushing the idea that trans people (especially teens) are confused, or are just following a trend, or being persuaded to be trans. Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria is a made up term implying people wake up one day and decide to be trans, minimizing what is, for many trans people, years of hiding their identity from their family and friends. The study she’s mentioning from Lisa Littman did not involve trans people, and is actually only a survey of 256 parents of trans people. Here’s a bit from the paper:

          […] Most of the parents (80.9%) answered affirmatively that their child’s announcement of being transgender came “out of the blue without significant prior evidence of gender dysphoria.” Respondents were asked to pinpoint a time when their child seemed not at all gender dysphoric and to estimate the length of time between that point and their child’s announcement of a transgender-identity. Almost a third of respondents (32.4%) noted that their child did not seem gender dysphoric when they made their announcement and 26.0% said the length of time from not seeming gender dysphoric to announcing a transgender identity was between less than a week to three months. […]”

          So she’s basing this entire section of her essay on a survey of 256 parents from various groups online like the “Parents of transgender children” facebook group and making it seem like there’s a trend of teens, again, waking up one day and deciding to be trans. This “republishing” that JK mentions made corrections to the paper and included an apology from the editor. But, JK represents it as just outrage from activists online.

          Then she pulls out this classic:

          […] The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I’d found community and sympathy online that I couldn’t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred.

          No, you probably wouldn’t have tried to transition to escape womanhood. Being a Trans Man is not some vacation from the struggles of being a woman. She even acknowledges some of their struggles later.

          I want to be very clear here: I know transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people, I’m also aware through extensive research that studies have consistently shown that between 60–90% of gender dysphoric teens will grow out of their dysphoria

          I’m going to quote another site I read for this one:

          Some studies do show that prepubescent children showing signs of Gender Dysphoria will likely “grow out of it” (though these studies have had their methods, data and analysis called into question), they also show that if Gender Dysphoria persists into adolescence that “it is almost certainly permanent”.

          Then the meat and potatoes of this, natal women’s safety:

          So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman — and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones — then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.

          Trans women have been using women’s spaces for decades, this certificate process makes no difference. If this was going to be an issue it would’ve already been one by now. Instead she’s fearmongering this idea that Men will all of a sudden with no other effort just claim to be a woman and start sexually assaulting women. The truth is trans women face many of the same threats of sexual violence and in JKs world they would have to use the same facilities as men.

          This is, in part, why she’s receiving all of the hate. Death threats and all of that are over the top but that’s not an issue that’s specific to her, people suck. However, despite the polite way she words everything, she defends other transphobic people and is pushing to deny trans people rights and healthcare in the interest of Women’s safety using unfounded claims based on misinformation and bad data.

        • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          It’s true, for every bra I own, ciswomen everywhere collectively own one bra less. For every estrogen pill I hope, testosterone starts to form in ciswomen… I actually kidnapped a TERF off the street and grafted my penis onto her in order to have my vaginoplasty!

          (I am being VERY sarcastic)