If you take them at face value and not as a gamified abstraction, sure. “Pallet Town” having three buildings is unlivable but it isn’t shown that way in non-game media.
The organized crime is rough but that usually gets sorted out by a child at some point so just keep your head down.
These terrorist organizations are at least nice enough to let you attempt to capture a relatively weak pikachu for over a decade. My boss gets mad if I go over my 15 minute coffee break.
Pokemon seems awful
Ever present terrorism, most towns don’t have food
Animal attacks are more common and dangerous
If you take them at face value and not as a gamified abstraction, sure. “Pallet Town” having three buildings is unlivable but it isn’t shown that way in non-game media.
The organized crime is rough but that usually gets sorted out by a child at some point so just keep your head down.
These terrorist organizations are at least nice enough to let you attempt to capture a relatively weak pikachu for over a decade. My boss gets mad if I go over my 15 minute coffee break.
No one said you couldn’t join them