Let my people go…BROTHER!
That sea can’t stop us! No wayyyy!
tears tunic in half
tears red sea in half
My tag team partner Yahweh and I are about to turn your firstborn into 24-in pythons, Brother!
The 24 inch python joke should clearly be made about Aaron’s staff… iykyk
Yahweh aka Jake the Snake!
Pharaoh said, “ummm hmmm, yeah! Who is the LORD? Oh yeah, that I should obey him and let Israel go, yeah!? I do not know the LORD,ummm hmmm! and I will not let Israel go, ummm hmmm, yeah! I’m the cream of crop! And I’ll raise to the top”.
Edit: you have to read in macho man’s voice.
The Lord’s chosen people are all the little Hulkamaniacs out there, oh you know it brother!
Did Moses have a brother?
In other news Exteter University is holding it’s 24th annual “Hulk Hogan RULES Day”…
Or maybe not brother
This based on what?