But it literally did nail it?
It’s giving you a list of the items that were received in the 12 Days of Christmas. And it’s correct.
And so on.
If you wanted the lyrics, that’s a different question.
so it’s “Ackshully as a Service”, gotcha
Ackshully… It should be: “AaaS”.
I think it’s Ass.
Good bot
The emoji was standing in for the “A” for “ackshully”
Only if you assume that everything on the list was additive to the initial gifts every time. I think you can infer from the context of the song, the holiday, how gift-giving works, etc. that they were just appending to the list of gifts each day.
But those are the sort of things that LLMs are incapable of doing.
That’s what the lyrics say though.
On the X day of Christmas my true love gave to me, X [item], X-1 [item], etc.
The song explicitly states they give this stuff every day.
Only if you take it literally and I don’t think it was intended to be taken that way.
All songs should be taken literally, which is why I eat love and prayers, and have a restraining order against me for trying to drag Hozier into a church at knifepoint.
Either interpretation is valid, though. Either one is an absurd amount of gifts, I would not put it past the gifter to have made an extravagant display of re-giving the stuff from days before each day.
I’d be interested if this sort of exaggeration humor was common in Victorian England. Giving them all those things each day has a very “Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory” vibe that would be very amusing after a wassail or two.
“on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.”
It takes a bit of mental gymnastics to assert that on the second day of Christmas he did not send two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.
If I said yesterday I gave my friend a pork pie and today I gave my friend some spaghetti and a pork pie, you would not come to the conclusion that my friend did not receive a second pork pie.
I’d say it depends on whether you were singing it to me or not. Songs kind of have to keep these things brief a lot of the time. Also, the lyrics of this song don’t make much sense to begin with. 🤷
I’ve always taken it as they’re tabulating the gifts:
“Wow, today he gave me three french hens! Plus I have the two turtle doves from yesterday and the partridge in a pear tree from Christmas day!”
I’ve never assumed that interpretation. I always thought the gifts were given each day. So you end up with twelve partridges and pear trees at the end. The song says “on the nth day of christmas my true love gave to me” doesn’t that imply you are receiving all those gifts that day?
I guess this also illustrates a problem. Maybe it should at least say the song has been interpreted in more than one way before doing its count.
This 1955 featurette interpreted it as re-gifting daily. It ends up being a LOT of birds.
deleted by creator
If I wanted an autistically over-literal answer, I’d either ask myself (or come to Lemmy)
How is it autistic? It’s just what he says he gave her.
The gifts weren’t given recursively. Though Christmas would be a lot more exciting if they were.
It’s literally what the song says. On the first day, I got a partridge in a pear tree. On the second day, I got 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pair tree.
If you think the gifts weren’t given recursively it’s because you believe it should be that way, not because you’re paying any attention to the lyrics as they’re written.
The song explicitly says they are given recursively
That’s what autism is. Normal people “read between the lines” or something. At least that’s what I’ve been told
Kinda did depending on how you look at it. 5 golden rings is said 8 times, for a total of 40. Same appears to be true for all the other items but I’m not checking them all.
In the song that’s what they send every single day two French hens every single day are sent so yeah at the end they do send a lot of French hens.
Is the pear tree included? Do I get one pear tree? 12 pear trees? No pear tree? This might be a dealbreaker, so take your time answering.
It’s assumed that you already have a pear tree; the partridges are just being installed into your pre-existing tree. Don’t be greedy. Mature fruit trees are expensive.
Unless it’s a Bradford pear.
Ooh dang, AKA Callery Pears, AKA invasive pest. Our state forestry/wildlife department did a limited time buyback of those, dead or alive. Once.
One nice spring morning I had my windows open. I smelled something awful and started looking around for where the dog had ruined the carpet. Nope, it was just the neighbor’s Bradford pear in full bloom. Such a disgusting scent.
I mean… It’s not wrong, actually.
That’s right though. Each day you get an increasing number of an item plus all the items from the previous days again.
Enjoy your birds.
Another classic example of a technically correct answer missing nuance and context.
christmas wouldn’t be christmas without 42 geese
The honkening
Twist: They’re alive. And they’re angry. Choose your weapon.
is diplomacy an option?
42 is a bit much, but I wouldn’t turn down a Christmas goose:
When will the AI slop end?
Most of common information is usually wrong. When programmers gaslight themselves into using it, the code is almost always wrong. Artists are all pissed, because both Nvidia and "Open"AI trained their data on hundreds of terabytes of stolen data too.
The only ones still satisfied with this, are the top 0.01% billionaires, who continue selling these products to companies, who in turn buy this only because of peer pressure
I say this as someone in big tech, AI is pushed because it’s an easy lie to keep big companies viewed as innovating to shareholders. I say this knowing that Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon have contributed significantly to AI research in the last few years alongside the obvious contributions of OpenAI - the goal isn’t groundbreaking AI work, but to act as a smoke-screen to show that nothing else has been delivered.
Google has lost ground in advertising, and is losing customers on many of their services. Amazon is losing ground in cloud computing and in retail. Apple has stagnated with recent poor releases. Microsoft has made ground in cloud, but has struggled in advertising, Xbox, Office, and Windows. They use GenAI to keep their stock price high, otherwise they’d drop like a sack of shit because shareholders would say “what the fuck have you even done in the last half a decade?”
This makes so much sense.
I always thought, surely their higher ups must know this is utter garbage?
They do but it’s just to scam investors.
^^^^^ 🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️ This! Anything but forever-growth is a failure, and the hype train must roll forward… even if the tracks it’s riding on are bubble gum and wishes.
Very well said
Yes, the companies have a reputation to protect, but it’s also just a standard hype-cycle. If you pay attention to tech history these things always go in cycles like this.
Whether the tech is actually useful or not doesn’t actually matter. What matters is whether you can convince investors to fork over the cash with a shiny presentation.
The tech industry has basically habituated to surviving on selling us bullshit through hype cycles. I think it’s become dependent on them.
Absolutely. We got so much crap from the markets and customers because “it’s 2024 and you still don’t have AI in your product”. So we threw in an integration to a local LLM to please them and keep them from leaving to our inferior-in-every-other-way-but-have-AI competitors.
Seriously. I cannot wait for the hype about these stochastic parrots to die.
Stochastic parrots is an excellent phrase.
Google fired a co-inventor of it.
Following her departure, Google held a forum to discuss experiences with racism at the company, and employees reported to NBC News that half of it was spent discrediting Gebru, which they took as the company making an example of her for speaking out. The forum was followed up with a group psychotherapy session for Google’s Black employees with a licensed therapist, which the employees said was dismissive
It’s a real fucking laugh. It seems Google’s go to response to discrimination is to hire psychs to calm it’s employees. Real cyberpunk corpo shit. “Let’s fix your thinking.”
So… did I miss the cooking time on this recipe? 350 for how long? And this recipe serves how many??? What is happening right now?!?!!???
I was always taught 350 for 2 hrs but will occasionally do 400 for 1.5 hrs if I’m in a hurry. Also I usually leave out the drummers, they get stuck in my food processor.
I usually give away the golden rings as gifts. But drummers feed a lot of guests.
Damn, and I thought the original gift-giver in the song was already being totally unreasonable.
Can you imagine all the droppings their true love would have to clean up from all those birds?
If you’ve got a spare quarter-hour, take a listen to the disquiet all those gifts can cause.
This is entirely correct actually. Number of items on day n = (13 - n)*n
I swear AI chat bots were better in 2023 than they have been in 2024. It feels like they really shit the bed this year. Maybe I’m wrong.
Tbh I feel like it’s when they attached them to the internet and over burdened them with system prompts.
French Hens are just pretentious chicken fries
Pascal: “I am having the best Christmas right now.”
Natalie Cole’s version of this does this at the end.